New! We're starting a new year, based on the Gregorian Calendar or Christian Calendar from the 16th century. Pope Gregory XIII improved the Julian Calendar and the Western world has been using it ever since, with it being the basis for the international standard, as well.
Cool-very cool. And no matter how much anti-God talk and action being demonstrated in the world today, everyone acknowledges the Christian world view of time, Anno Domini-In the Year of Our Lord, 2014, for everything in life! (Of course the Muslims have their own dating system for their personal habits of Jihad etc., but still acknowledge the Christian Calendar in global trade, business, etc.)
So we're starting an exciting brand new year! We've never been this way before! It's new! It's unlike any year has ever been before or will be again. So this new year is an opportunity to pursue our hopes and dreams that are, hopefully, the Lord's hopes and dreams for us. It's a new opportunity to be faithful to God's call on our lives, in this Year of Our Lord, 2014.
Happy New Year!
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