Saturday, March 22, 2014

"Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees" Isaiah 10:1

The Bible says in Isaiah 10:1, "Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees..." and I've been pondering that verse in my heart and mind recently.  I'm one of those Americans who has become very active in the last 30 years in trying to apply God's Word to all of life, especially to those institutions that have influence over the hearts and minds of Americans, (church, education, arts and the media, law and government).

My journey began when I came to know the Lord personally and intimately, those many years ago. I devoured God's Word and thirsted for the Living Waters that come only from the Fountain of Life, God Himself.  The more I know Him, the more I love Him.  The journey with Him continues daily and the deep satisfaction that it brings makes life worthwhile.  The longing of my heart is that all should come to know Jesus Christ and be filled with the Holy Spirit.  (As God changes us inwardly, we change our world outwardly.  Following every Great Awakening, God's people changed their world.)

That same desire for others to know salvation sparked the evangelism of the Spanish, English and French as they discovered and settled this beautiful land of America.  When they began to establish laws for the settlements - colonies - and then states, they acted on the truth of God's Word that only those nations that honor God, will God honor.  When the Pilgrims came in 1620, they worded the Mayflower Compact this way,"...(we) solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and of one another, covenant, and combine ourselves into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid: (the glory of God, advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of king and country,) and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, act, constitution, and offices...for the general good of the colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience."

Do you think that the Pilgrims would elect any person to a place of authority and power that would determine policy that was contrary to the will of God?  Do you think they would choose lawmakers and leaders who would promote the killing of babies in the womb,  the teaching of ungodliness in the schools, the same-sex marriages, sexual immorality of all types, laws that subsidize illegitimacy, etc...  Do you think the Pilgrims knew that God would hold them responsible for those wicked policies if they voted for leaders who wrote those unrighteous decrees?  Do we know that?

"Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees..." and everyone who votes for those who decree unrighteous decrees?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

What Made America Great? (continued)

"Life, Liberty, Property!" was one of the rallying cries for colonial Americans as they faced the challenges of increasing tyranny from their government.  Property was defined as an extension of the individual, not simply material possessions, but including them, of course. Acquiring material goods through labor or inheritance, and disposing of  them was part of the sacred right of property.  A person owns himself, his thoughts, ideas, writings and conscience, so that after the U.S. Constitution was signed in 1787, it included in Article I, Section 8, the legal protection for intellectual property through copyright and patents.

Respect for the right of property was taught in homes, churches and schools throughout America.  "Thou shalt not steal," was the moral basis for all laws regarding theft.  Children memorized the Ten Commandments so Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbors Goods was also ingrained in them.  This high standard continued even into the 20th Century with the extremely low number of thefts during the Great Depression verifying that.

Throughout the school years, the many stories and books that students read were selected with great care and deliberation to teach the highest moral lessons about all of life.  As such, it helped form and fashion the identity of young Americans.  Respect for themselves, others, and everything that belonged to themselves and others became a part of who they were.

One of the lasting results from the good education of America's young people was the wholesomeness of our American communities.  I remember that we did not ever lock our doors and windows, and probably most of us didn't even have locks for our doors and windows!  There was a general atmosphere of safety and peace in America.  Respect for the right of "Life, Liberty, and Property" was one of the reasons for it, and one of the reasons for the greatness of America.