Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Stolen Identity

Generations of Americans have had their identities stolen and they are not even aware of it. It's their identity as Americans.  You know, the Americans wearing the white hats, believing in sacrifice, fairness and earning the respect of others; the soldiers overseas giving Hershey chocolate bars to hungry kids, the calvary rushing in to help when there is no one else who will help, standing up for the little guy, etc...We grew up with a long line of American heroes and somehow those heroes became part of us, of who we wanted to be.  They were Americans and they belonged to us; their American family.  Big hearted, brave and unforgettable.  How we loved them! Our identity became entwined with them and we were the better for it.

But no more.  For the most part several generations of American youth have been growing up in a very different world where they are being told that America is the villain and not the good guy. Our heroes live no longer because they don't live in the hearts of today's Americans.  Our good American heritage has not been passed on and so it's not theirs. 

Why don't they stand up for the National Anthem?  Why aren't they proud of their country?  Their American Identity has been stolen and they don't know who they are.