Thursday, September 27, 2018

Prayer for America and Judge Brett Kavanaugh


Let’s Pray and agree together, Our Dear Heavenly Father, How incredibly wonderful you are in every way. We will remember your marvelous works which you have done, your wonders and the judgments of your mouth.  Lord, you are high above all nations, and your glory above the heavens, and yet you are mindful of us, O God! Bend down your ear, O God, and listen to the cries of our hearts for our nation.  You are the God of all truth, and we pray that truth throughout our land will prevail, and that all the lying, which is an abomination to you, be stopped.  We pray that more and more Americans will have a love of the truth that we might not easily be deceived.   

We bring your Word, Psalm 31 before you this day, praying it on behalf of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his family.  In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, let me never be ashamed; deliver me in Thy righteousness…deliver me speedily, for Thou art my rock and my fortress…pull me out of the net they have laid privily for me; for Thou art my strength…Have mercy upon me, o Lord, for I am in trouble; mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.  I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel against me, they devised to take away my life.  But I trusted in Thee O Lord:  I said, Thou art my God!  My times are in thine hand: deliver me from the hands of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me…save me for thy mercies sake.  Let me not be ashamed, O Lord; for I have called upon Thee.  Let the wicked be ashamed…Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against me…make thy face to shine upon thy servant; save me for thy mercies’ sake.

Father, we pray this in the most holy and powerful name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, amen.   

Monday, July 2, 2018

Happy 4th of July, Y'all!

 July 2018 Devotion by Barbara Moore

I think that most Americans have the backyard barbeque gatherings and the fireworks down pretty pat when celebrating the 4th of July, and that’s great, and as it should be.  But wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all took another look at our Declaration of Independence as well?  It is the solid foundation upon which our country was founded.  Of course the Declaration rests upon the rock solid foundation of the Bible. In the Year of our Lord, 1776, our Founders announced to the world that our 13 colonies had a new name!  Henceforth we would be known as the United States of America, and we “united” under a creed, a belief system that we would live under and die for, if necessary.  Included in our national creed (which we are the only nation in the history of the world to do so) was our belief in God, that He created us and gave us rights, among which but not limited to, the “right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  We acknowledged that the purpose of forming government was to protect our God-given rights. “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” entitled us to dissolve the political bonds which had connected us to Great Britain because with them, we could not serve God rightly. 27 violations of law were listed proving the necessity of separation.  We made an appeal to God to judge us, as “the Supreme Judge of the World”, for the “Rectitude (honesty & uprightness) of our Intentions”, and in closing, “a firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.”

Our National Creed reveals who we are as a nation, and what we stand for.  The United States of America stands with God, the true and living God of the Bible.

The Bible says in Psalms, “Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord!” Our nation has been greatly blessed by God from the very beginning even to this day in the Year of our Lord 2018.  Praise God!


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Stolen Identity

Generations of Americans have had their identities stolen and they are not even aware of it. It's their identity as Americans.  You know, the Americans wearing the white hats, believing in sacrifice, fairness and earning the respect of others; the soldiers overseas giving Hershey chocolate bars to hungry kids, the calvary rushing in to help when there is no one else who will help, standing up for the little guy, etc...We grew up with a long line of American heroes and somehow those heroes became part of us, of who we wanted to be.  They were Americans and they belonged to us; their American family.  Big hearted, brave and unforgettable.  How we loved them! Our identity became entwined with them and we were the better for it.

But no more.  For the most part several generations of American youth have been growing up in a very different world where they are being told that America is the villain and not the good guy. Our heroes live no longer because they don't live in the hearts of today's Americans.  Our good American heritage has not been passed on and so it's not theirs. 

Why don't they stand up for the National Anthem?  Why aren't they proud of their country?  Their American Identity has been stolen and they don't know who they are.