Wednesday, November 4, 2015

America the Beautiful - Like a Flower Being Pulled Up by its' Roots

This morning while in prayer for a "Great Awakening" and Revival in this land and throughout the world, I saw a beautiful flower being pulled up by the roots.  The flower was dazzling in its' beauty and continued to look lovely even while being pulled this way and that, uprooted from where it had been receiving what was necessary for its' healthy thriving and indeed its' survival.  

I began to think about this and the way it relates to our country.  We've continued to look pretty good - we still have some freedom, opportunities, justice and prosperity.  Some people are still jumping the fences to get into this land of hope, although there are others entering to destroy it.  But it continues to be a place with a higher standard of living than many others.  It still looks good.

We wave our flag and talk about "the land of the free and the home of the brave," the way we should, and yet underneath it all the ground is moving, and more and more we find ourselves unsettled and off-balance.  We recognize that this is not the country we grew up in, the one we know and love.  Significant changes have taken place and though life goes on and on and on, the changes are taking place with increasing speed.

The enemies of America, foreign and domestic, have been quite sly and cunning in their attacks on our constitutional republic. They've gone for the "roots" and pulled little by little. The destruction of Constitutional Federalism has been the goal for the transformation of America. It was hard going at first, but a strange and foreign philosophy was introduced called progressivism and injected in small doses (pull - pull) so that America would eventually succumb to the disease of progressivism-socialism-communism.  There were many incremental steps taken and I won't list them all.  But at the beginning of the 20th century the progressive "reforms" were evident.  The creation of the Federal Reserve Board, effectively removing control of our economy from the people via the congress, to a private board of international bankers with no allegiance to the United States of America.  The 16th Amendment allowing the communist graduated tax on incomes and regulatory agencies followed.  The 17th Amendment stealing power away from the states helped to increase the power of the national government over the lives of the people. Mandatory public schools guaranteed the progressive philosophy of the government would ensure a progressive view of the world and a gradual acceptance of it .

The foundation (the roots) of the constitutional federal republic protecting the God-given godly freedom of the people was being uprooted bit by bit.  The usurpation of the congress by the U.S. Supreme Court with illegal decisions tore away at the Biblical, historical roots, such as those removing prayer, Bible reading, posting of the Ten Commandments in public places, legalization of abortion with the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, U.S. Flag burning and pornography, the "Lemon" test, and numerous others. Basically those many decisions by a progressive Supreme Court pulled hard at our roots and the beautiful flower has been slowly wilting for lack of the nourishment it requires. The more that God has been declared an "outlaw" and exiled from our public life and law instead of the foundation for law, the faster our liberty under law was eroded.

Our country has turned away from the Fount of life, truth and righteousness, and have sought broken cisterns that are empty and leave us empty. Only when "God's people which are called by His Name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek His Face and turn from our wicked ways, will God hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land." This is our foundation, these are our roots, the planting of the Lord.  Oh, God, help us in Jesus Name, we pray, so that our nation will once again honor and glorify You and help all mankind, amen.