Saturday, July 4, 2015

A More Solemn 4th of July

It's been a rather solemn 4th of July thus far.  I read the Declaration of Independence again this morning and was struck by the words, "The History of the present King of Great Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."  Naturally I thought about the present regime and realized how applicable it is to our country today.  

Many American people are truly beginning to suffer under the tyranny of anti-American policies with the innumerable heavy regulations and the heavy-handed enforcement of them. Government is controlling the people instead of the people controlling the government. Government has become the master instead of the servant, and it is a harsh, cruel, task-master.  And what exacerbates this further is that there seems to be no time or energy left at the end of the day for many hard working folks looking after their families, to examine the causes for the great American Dream becoming the grave American Nightmare.  They are barely staying afloat and really tired, too.  

But even now, it's not hopeless.  There are answers to be found in our Creator who has "endowed us with certain, unalienable rights," and the documents of the Founding Fathers who learned from God and His Word. There is hope and help in God.

Let's praise God for the freedoms we still have and now for the Fireworks!