What would I like to see in education?
I'd like to see the first years of a child in a school setting begin around six years old. Prior to that time lots of great stories read by adults to children, "once upon a time, long, long ago, there lived,"...interesting to engage the mind, uplifting to reach the heart, moral lessons to fashion the soul and conscience.
The same should continue in the elementary grades with the students now reading themselves, but continuing to be read to by parents and teachers with more challenging material introduced and continued by both. From the beginning and throughout this time, there should be dramas, music, and art related to what's being enjoyed. Enjoyed! Introduction to the world and how we are to live in the world should be enjoyable! That's when the real desire to learn is fostered. The joy of discovery and the satisfaction of learning is developed during these early years.
Simple basic math taught in the early years builds a strong foundation for the more difficult, abstract math later "...line upon line, precept upon precept..." Seeing the order and structure of math helps children embrace order and structure in their own lives, in the classroom and beyond. Memorization of math facts builds a confidence within them that they've learned some things that never change, that there are absolutes in life. Respect for authority is a by product in learning absolutes.
Imagination and creativity must be encouraged and directed to that which is noble, true, and kind. These are the years when hearts are softened and tenderized to others and away from selfish concerns only.
I am aware that not all children have the benefit of a two parent home with these ideals being realized. But-it could be and should be done in every school throughout the country by teachers and pre-k teachers. Children need to be nurtured, trained, enjoyed and directed to that which is inspiring and good by caring adults. It's not to be rushed, rushed, rushed. It takes time, and the time it takes speaks volumes to children of their worth and and what life is all about.
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